

Many people consider nationalism as a form of patriotism. However, upon closer reading of the rules of this attitude, those two terms have nothing in common apart from love of homeland. The term nationalism originated with the Latin word natio - race, nation, it defines ideology in which the highest value is the good of the country.


According to principles of nationalism, only a homogeneous nation, connected by language, culture and history, is an ideal form of social organization. Nationalism rejects ethnic minorities, strives to racial segregation and is reluctant when it comes to relations with neighboring countries. Twenty-first century concept of nationalism, based on social Darwinism, compares social life to the world of nature, where the constant struggle takes place, and only the strongest can survive.

Nationalism is an element of fascism, its features are visible in neo-Nazism and communism. There are two kinds of nationalism - moderate and extreme. The first one is based on the principle that the most important are the interests of the state and national community, often equated with patriotism. Whereas, the extreme variation of nationalism is jingoism. This ideology imposes the conviction of the superiority of their own country over others, increases the reluctance of other nations. Radical nationalists spire to subordinate the other nations (national egoism), exaggerate the benefits of the idea and negate the flaws. This kind of attitude with a very aggressive form at a later stage, pushes away the society, realizing  leader’s goals first.